Stress/Strength analysis is an important part of engineering science, as failure of most engineering components is usually due to stress. The component under a stress investigation can vary from the legs of an integrated circuit to the legs of an offshore drilling rig, or from a submarine pressure hull to the fuselage of a jumbo jet aircraft. The purpose of the stress analyses is to investigate the structure's response and the stress distribution due to the internal or external static loading. Modelling the boundary conditions along with finite element mesh distribution in important to represents the reality.
Every object in the nature has endless number of vibration frequencies and mode shapes that are called "Natural Frequencies". Calculation of these frequencies and their mode shapes are important to solve the vibration induced engineering problems. Natural frequencies and mode shapes of simple objects can be found by using analytical methods. However, complex shaped objects can only be analyzed by numerical methods. Finite element methods and the improved computer calculation capacities enable to investigate the natural frequencies and mode shapes of complex structures by idealizing them into computable small parts which are called "finite elements".
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