Structure Borne Noise


Structural vibration occurs when dynamic forces generated by compressors, pumps, and engines cause the deck beams to vibrate. This vibration leads to piping failures, poor equipment reliability, and safety concerns. The vibration is due to the structure being mechanically resonant. The term “resonance” occurs when dynamic forces coincide with the natural frequencies of the supporting structure. At resonance, the forces are amplified up to 20 times, and cause deck beams to vibrate above safe operating limits.

Why care about Structure-borne noise ?

Reduction of structural vibrations is of major interest in mechanical engineering for lowering sound emission of vibrating structures, improving accuracy of machines, and increasing structure durability.

VES carried out SBN measurements for several important projects in the marine sector for both public as well private sector undertakings. We frequently offer consultancy to premier yards like Mazagon Dockyard Limited (MDL), Garden Reach Ship-Builders and Engineers (GRSE), Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL) and world-leaders like Sauer Compressors, Burkhardt Compressors, Desmi Pumps, Caterpillar, Rolls-Royce and many more.

We offer end to end consultancy — from the design to factory acceptance trials(FATS) including preparing the testing procedures and Quality Assurance plans to meet the rigorous MIL-STDs as well other international specifications like ISO/IEC.

In addition, we also undertake acoustic-forensic studies to identify the hot-spots and suggest appropriate mitigation mechanism including damping treatments and vibration-isolation using resilient mounts & smart foundations.